Picture Bulb. Daisy Chain from internet |
Picture Bulb. mastersianum from internet
Picture Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake from internet
Median sepal of Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake hardly difference from breeder, Its color was mix between red and yellow.
It's small.
Lateral sepal
Lateral sepal adjoining together, like breeder. Its color was mix between red and yellow.
breeder have red lip. So hybrid have red lip.
Picture Bulb. gracillimum from internet
Cirr. Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake x gracillimum |
Cirr. Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake x gracillimum |
Cirr. Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake x gracillimum |
Cirr. Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake x gracillimum |
Cirr. Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake x gracillimum |
Cirr. Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake x gracillimum |
Cirr. Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake x Bulb. gracillimum
Median sepal
Median sepal of bulb.hybrid have mix color between red and yellow.
It's small.
Lateral sepal
Lateral sepal adjoining together, like breeder. Its color was mix between red and yellow.
breeder have red lip. So hybrid have red lip.
Imperfect flower
Cirr. Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake x gracillimum |
Cirr. Tee Strawberry Cheese Cake x gracillimum |