Cattleya Pink Orchid Flower Picture

Orchids > Cattleya Orchids > C.

Cattleya Orchid Flower Picture

Cattleya Orchid Flower Picture

Cattleya Orchid Flower Picture

Cattleya Orchid Flower Picture

Cattleya Orchid Flower Picture

Cattleya Orchid Flower Picture

Cattleya Orchid Flower Picture

        Cattleyas have been hybridized both within the genus and with related genera for more than a century, but the last several decades have seen a remarkable increase in both the quantity and quality of the hybrids within the Cattleya alliance. Among the most popular are the Brassolaeliocattleya (Blc.) and Sophrolaeliocattleya (Slc.) hybrids. The vast majority of the Blc. hybrids have recently been moved into the new nothogenus Rhyncholaeliocattleya (Rlc.); the Slc. mostly into Cattleya, with a few in Laleliocattleya (Lc.)

        Cattleya orchid is growing is Sympodial-type; Orchids are growing that grow sideways across the top of the pot. These orchids have a rhizome at the base usually put in horizontal, The bud at the base will begin growing anther rhizome. and then ,The rizome develops into a small plant or pseudobulb, and flower. When pseudobulbs have completely healthy, It will lose its leaves celled this pseudobulbs that "backbulb". It served store feed more years before it die.

        Cattleya are epiphytes ; Growing on clinging to branches of trees. Roots orchids have thick roots covered with silver or white velamen. Which adsorb moisture and nutrients from the air such as Plalaenopsis Dendrobium etc.

        Cattleya orchids are semi-aerial roots : Usually found on the rocks or the trees. Roots can be absorbed many water. it smaller aerial roots. Most roots inside the pot. But may have some roots emerge outside the pot. This orchid roots not like a tight pots or wet for too long, Which getting air not enough.