Vanda Hybrid Orchids Flowers Pictures

Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture

Vanda Hybrid Orchids Flowers Pictures [Orange]

Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture
Vanda Hybrid Orchid Flower Picture

        Because Vanda is a large and colorful flowers. So people take Vanda pollen with other species to improve the breed. Therefore, at present have Vanda hybrid a lot.

        Consequence is a lot of name of species. So I can't tell you about it's species. Sometimes Owner of Vanda can't tell about it's species, too.

        I not good at English. But I try to type English Language. This is my learning. Thanks.

Dendrobium | Orchid Flowers Pictures [White dwarf]

Orchids > Dendrobium Orchids > Den. dwarf

Dendrobium (dwarf) Orchid Picture
Dendrobium (dwarf) Orchid Picture
Dendrobium (dwarf) Orchid Picture
        Dendrobium species are either epiphytic or lithophytic. They have adapted to a wide variety of habitats.

        Dendrobium is sympodial-type of orchids. They develop pseudobulbs, which in length from less than 1 centimetre to several metres long, looklike canes. Leaf bases form sheaths that completely envelope the stem.

        Dendrobium orchids are epiphytes; Growing on clinging to branches of trees. Roots orchids have thick roots covered with silver or white velamen. Which adsorb moisture and nutrients from the air such as Plalaenopsis

The Orchid Growth
        Sympodial; Orchids are growing that grow sideways across the top of the pot. These orchids have a rhizome at the base usually put in horizontal, The bud at the base will begin growing anther rhizome. and then ,The rizome develops into a small plant or pseudobulb, and flower. When pseudobulbs have completely healthy, It will lose its leaves celled this pseudobulbs that "backbulb". It served store feed more years before it die.

       Orchids sympodial-type such as Paphiopedilum Dendrobium Cattleya Oncidium Bulbophyllum Grammatophyllum etc.

Roots Dendrobium Orchids
        Semi-aerial roots : Usually found on the rocks or the trees. Roots can be absorbed many water. it smaller aerial roots. Most roots inside the pot. But may have some roots emerge outside the pot. This orchid roots not like a tight pots or wet for too long, Which getting air not enough. this roots orchids such as Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium and Oncidium.

      Epiphytes ; Growing on clinging to branches of trees. Roots orchids have thick roots covered with silver or white velamen. Which adsorb moisture and nutrients from the air such as Plalaenopsis Cattleya Dendrobium etc.
          Terrestrials and semi-terrestrials; are thrive growing on/in the ground. Roots orchids frequently have hairy roots such as Paphiopedilum. Orchids don’t need a lot of fertilizer, either. As a matter of fact, most of these ground-plants can’t handle a lot of fertilizer. Terrestrial orchids share some characteristics with their greenhouse counterparts. These plants come in many shapes and size.
            Lithophytes; Orchids that grow in or on rocks. Those that grow on rocks are also known as epipetric or epilithic plants. Lithophytes feed off nutrients from rain water and nearby decaying plants, including their own dead tissue. Chasmophytes grow in fissures in rocks where soil or organic matter has accumulated.

      Dendrobium | Orchid Flower Picture [Pink dwarf]

      Orchids > Dendrobium Orchids > Den. Pink dwarf

      Dendrobium Orchid Flower Picture
      Dendrobium Orchid Flower Picture
      Dendrobium Orchid Flower Picture
      Dendrobium Orchid Flower Picture
      Dendrobium Orchid Flower Picture

              It 's my dwarf Dendrobium pink. Look flowers are small, pseudobulbs are small also. I like its. I pay about 0.70 Dollars for its.

            Dendrobium species are either epiphytic or lithophytic. They have adapted to a wide variety of habitats.

            Epiphytes ; Growing on clinging to branches of trees. Roots orchids have thick roots covered with silver or white velamen. Which adsorb moisture and nutrients from the air such as Plalaenopsis Cattleya Dendrobium etc.
              Terrestrials and semi-terrestrials; are thrive growing on/in the ground. Roots orchids frequently have hairy roots such as Paphiopedilum. Orchids don’t need a lot of fertilizer, either. As a matter of fact, most of these ground-plants can’t handle a lot of fertilizer. Terrestrial orchids share some characteristics with their greenhouse counterparts. These plants come in many shapes and size.
                Lithophytes; Orchids that grow in or on rocks. Those that grow on rocks are also known as epipetric or epilithic plants. Lithophytes feed off nutrients from rain water and nearby decaying plants, including their own dead tissue. Chasmophytes grow in fissures in rocks where soil or organic matter has accumulated.

          Bulbophyllum patensking Orchid Flowers Pictures

          Bulbophyllum patens King
          Bulbophyllum patens King
          Bulbophyllum patens King
          Bulbophyllum patens King
          Bulbophyllum patens King
          :: General characteristics of Bulbophyllum patens King ::.
          Trunk 6-13 cm in size.
          :: Leaves of Bulbophyllum patens King ::.
          The oval center of the folded edge parallel along the length of the fish on a flat green leaf blades 3-5 cm long, 6-10 cm wide.
          :: Bulbophyllum patens King ::.
          A single flower stalk about 4 cm from the base of sepals and petals Governor pale yellow.
          :: Bulbophyllum patens King flowering ::.
          November - December (Maybe bloom all year).
          : Distribution of varieties of Bulbophyllum patens King ::.
          South in the rainforest.

          Orchids Flowers Pictures [Yellow]

          Orchids Flower Pictures
          Orchids Flower Pictures
          Orchids Flower Pictures
          Orchids Flower Pictures
          Orchids Flower Pictures
          Orchids Flower Pictures
          Orchids Flower Pictures
          Orchids Flower Pictures
          Orchids Flower Pictures

                 With a variety of forests in Thailand. The diverse habitats of wild orchids. Thewild orchids found in Thailand, located approximately 168 in 1176 types ofdistribution in all regions. It is different in each area to go out. Who likes coldweather. And like the light faintly He is often found in the northern jungles.Deciduous forest and the Northeast. Most orchids like a hot sun and high humidity often found in the southern peninsula. Sorry.